Thursday, February 2, 2012

Which energy system is responsible for the majority of the fitness component?

the anaerobic system is responsible for the majority of fitness components

the anaerobic system is predominant when using

anaerobic power

muscular power

muscular strength



the aerobic system is predominant when using

aerobic power

local muscular endurance

the other components (co-ordination, balance, flexibility etc.) can't realy be classified as anaerobic or aerobic

one way to delay switching to fats is:

carbohydrate loading (tapering training 3 to 4 days before your big event and increasing your carbohydrate intake during these 3 to 4 days...note tapering means lowering training frequency)

carbohydrate loading (if done correctly) increases muscle glycogen stores significantly. this means that you have more glycogen to burn before you have to rely on burning fats

can't really think of another way.......maybe consuming small amounts of high-GI foods (like lollies, sports drinks) every 10-15 mins of the event.. this would top up glycogen stores and thus delay your reliance on fatsWhich energy system is responsible for the majority of the fitness component?what do you mean?

well, protein to build muscle, and carbohydrates and fat for energy basically..

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