Friday, January 20, 2012

Resident evil 4 village scene?

i had to start my game all over again because my brother erased my data on my other game. I am at the most annoying part of the game the village it's the on right at the beginning of the game. I try to avoid going in one of the houses because dr. salvador always comes and cuts my head off! I get a little nervous when i run in and ALL the not-zombies are running after me so I run as fast as i can in to the watch tower because i read online that the people can't get up there and that if you wait 5 minutes the bell rings, here is the problem i have tried this but they light the tower on fire and it lowers my health but people are saying you won't die, is it true? If you can do you think you can tell me an easy way to beat the village, any glitches, cheats, or how to wait in the tower without dying. thanks! =)Resident evil 4 village scene?
Ok get ready...

After your done looking in the binoculars at the Ganadas, make a rune for the 2story house to the left of the burning comrade of yours. Once in ther will be a small cut scene. Block all doors and windows and then run up stairs. Do the same up stairs then grab the shotgun and gernades. When they start to come up stairs shoot them. If they come up ladders through windows, shoot them and then push ladder down. Course they pick it rite back up but it waste time. Once chainsaw dude comes, shoot him with shotgun off the ladder. Keep doing this until the chainsaw guy is dead(if u hav 2 use shotgun when the regular ppl get close). Once chainsaw is dead, jump out the window and make a run for it, now that chainsaw is dead u wont hav 2 worry about coming around corners and dying in one strike. Also try to keep going inside doors and jumping out windows, it helps.


If any questions just send me email
ok, they will fire bombs at you if u go in watch tower. here is how to beat the village part you are on... go to the house across from Dr. salvador and wait in the second room. when enemies come, shoot the living daylights outta them. hope i helped!Resident evil 4 village scene?
Get a shotgun with full ammo, get into a corner wait and shoot! this helped me A LOT!
Never tried it ive either stayed back to the door where you first enter or one of the two houses. So i cant help i do know that fire doesnt do much dammage but i think it might burn the tower.Resident evil 4 village scene?
just run around for a minute and then go into the small house. push crate in front of door then when they break in jump through the window and buy some more time. then run into the big house and block the door and windows with the shelves. then jump through the window on 2nd floor and you will be on the roof . runt o the other side until a zombie approaches you. then jump down and finally run into the tall tower. that should be enough time =)
hit and run, kill run and kill run. :)
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