Monday, January 23, 2012

Is chewing your food thoroughly really that important to fitness?

Can someone direct me to a study that thorough chewing can, through a circuitous path I realize, lead to weight loss?Is chewing your food thoroughly really that important to fitness?Supposedly you eat less if you eat more slowly.Is chewing your food thoroughly really that important to fitness?
NOIs chewing your food thoroughly really that important to fitness?no i read that that's a mythIs chewing your food thoroughly really that important to fitness?
Why would it?Is chewing your food thoroughly really that important to fitness?noIs chewing your food thoroughly really that important to fitness?
well have you ever seen a dog trying to run threw a door with a huge stick and get it stuck in the door, well imagine him taking that stick in two peices,

its much easier to fit threw the door,

it might be a myth but it makes it alot easier for your body to digest the food, and allowing u to get the most out of it,

plus eating it slower will help keep u full and from overeating, because it takes at least 30 min for your body to know when its full
The only thing I've heard about that is that if you chew slowly, your appetite gets smaller so you eat less or something. I personally don't put any stock in it.

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